Insanity, Insanity

Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again expecting it to change. That is crazy.

I watched him as he found the faith to stand up again after his fall. I cheered him on. To my disappointment, I watched him fall again. As I started losing the hope that was alongside me, he miraculously stood up once more. My delight was greater than it was the first time. Short lived. I saw him tumble back down. I accepted that it was over when he ignited something in me that I've never experienced before. A confused sense of excitement fell over me as I witnessed his resilience push him up once more. He stood. He then fell again. I could see him finding his ever present stubbornness once again trying to defeat his consistent fate. What is actually going on? Are you even meant to be standing?

There's another form of insanity. Insanity is watching someone do the exact same thing over and over again expecting it to change. That is crazy.

I watched him as he found the faith to stand up again after his fall. I cheered him on. To my disappointment, I watched him fall again. As I started los...


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